About NineTribe

Featuring thousands of unique items - toys, vintage collectibles, and craft supplies all in one place


Are you on the hunt for a rare collectible? The perfect gift for a friend or family member? Maybe you have a unique hobby and you’re looking for hard-to-find supplies. NineTribe caters to almost any special interest, giving customers a resource for everything from fine art to vintage video games, consoles, and craft supplies. No niche is too niche, and we’re proud to offer one of the most diverse selections of specialty items to our customers on the internet.

Our Mission

We understand the thrill of finding a rare item you’ve been searching for ages! That feeling when you finally find that vintage card or that piece of art you’ve been dreaming of hanging on your wall. We know just how great it feels to give a loved one a gift they’ve always wanted, and to be the hero of the holiday! NineTribe’s mission is to give you that feeling every day. We are constantly refreshing our inventory with new and exciting finds, and are never short on novel, unique, valuable items for you to browse.


Finding specialized items like collectibles, vintage items, and niche hobby supplies usually means spending a lot of time searching. NineTribe puts all your special interests in one place and makes it easy to find a wide range of collectibles, craft supplies, and gifts, no matter what you’re searching for. We carry tens of thousands of items and have a keen eye for finding the best, most valuable items at the best prices.

Our Origin Story
As we were developing the idea for DirectNine, we realized that finding those extra parts you need for your daily electronics is never an easy in-person task. So why not simplify the experience?

DirectNine’s online retail store supplies numerous electronic staples to support potential technological issues. After you fill up your virtual shopping cart through DirectNine, your checkout process will be simple and secure. We will ship your order straight to your door, where your items will be ready to use upon arrival! With tons of electronic goods in stock via DirectNine, you will certainly discover the right gadget, part, or accessory in no time.

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